Johanna Schuh
  1. During these times of massive change and evolution,
  2. I persistently remain positive - after all, stubbornness must be good for something.
  3. Being fully human and enjoying this fascinating multiverse we live in.
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Space of Reflexion

We are the sum of all the experiences we have as a unique being. I develop my awareness and use my mind to shape my own perspectives. Reflexion and meditation help me to keep body, mind and soul in balance.

The secret war within me
My heart wants me to take a trip to France. My mind immediately begins to organize all the necessary information: Where am I traveling to? When am I going? How do I get there? Where do I stay? How much money can I set aside for it? And so on. This means that my heart and mind are working in harmony. But I often can't see that, instead I think: my mind is getting in the way of my heart, my thoughts are delaying my actions and therefore the realization of my heart's desire ... And I'm already at war without even realizing it. Simply because inner contradictions immediately trigger the either-or programming. Because we have not learned to deal with the diversity and often contradictions within ourselves. What can I do? End the secret wars within me by learning to recognize and respect the nature of each part of me, to negotiate with each other and to act on this basis. ~ 2023-12-02


Heart and mind in their own way
Intuition and thinking, heart and mind - two central forces that determine, enable and move my existence as a human being. I have a strong mind that often outshines my heart. How often have I thought: Oh, this dominant mind, these miserable thoughts, this ego - they keep suppressing or destroying the longings of my heart. And then there was this moment when the clouds of reproach lifted and the light revealed the truth: my mind is doing its best to manifest my heart's desires. It's not a struggle - thinking that way is an illusion, a programming, a distortion. The truth is that the heart and the mind have different qualities and characteristics. My mind perceives the desires of the heart and tries to realize them in this world - and that's where it gets quite complicated, because where the heart simply wants, the mind arranges everything necessary around it and aligns it in that direction. ~ 2023-12-02


Self-knowledge remains really exciting
Once again, I learned about myself how quickly I feel obliged to others and thereby give up the decision about me if I am not careful. Recently experienced: I want to extend my trip, but I have made an appointment at home in Vienna. Hm, I can ask the person if she doesn’t want the appointment after all ... and so I thought back and forth until I noticed: STOP, it is my decision how I deal with my time, I can decide for myself. It’s an old bad habit to put the needs of others above my own and leave decisions to others. So I made the decision to follow my heart and extend my journey. I cancelled the appointment - friendly and determined (communication is an eternal learning field!). Thank you, dear Universe, for allowing me this learning step to better understand what self-determination is. ~ 2023-07-29


An unexpected change
Recently, after a long time, I watched a TV show that I usually really like. Usually. Unexpectedly, I no longer perceived the characters as normal people, but as shells without content. As if they were not people, but animated paper figures. Very strange. I took a closer look and realized that the characters hadn't changed, they were just as always humorous, respectful, nice. Obviously, I have changed and perceive differently. The people who suggest that we are experiencing a shift towards a new age are probably right. Because that's the only way I can explain why I suddenly perceive things differently than I'm used to. For no particular reason. ~ 2023-06-11


My truth, your truth, our truth
Honor your own truth and respect the truth of others. If something does not exist in your world, it does not mean that it does not exist at all. The others are not obliged to share your truth. Could it be that sharing a truth is first and foremost a choice? If that's the case, there is absolutely no reason to fight against each other. Each individual chooses the truth he or she wants to follow. If we agree, that's fine. If we don't agree, that's fine. In any case, universal truth is far too complex for us to grasp with our individual minds. Seen in this way, a diversity of truths is a great enrichment. Everything we do, say, think and feel feeds into the whole. So let us be kind to ourselves and to others. Because kindness is something that definitely makes the world a nicer place. ~ 2023-04-28


Use your discernment. So many people talk about it - but what is it? It is probably about recognizing, feeling, knowing what is true and what is not. That is, I must first perceive and then discern. Without perception, no way to discern. I can only discern if I know several variants of a subject. That is, I have to allow many and different perceptions of a subject within me in order to learn whether and how they differ. And then there is the matter of truth. What is true, what is not? Aren't all truths subjective perspectives on absolute truth? If every perspective is a subjective truth, what criteria do I use to discern? Uh-oh, I have a problem. By this logic, there are no objective criteria for THE truth; I must find my truth within myself. No matter how much it differs from other people's truth. Do I know my own truth? Finding my own truth - wow, what an interesting research project. ~ 2023-04-28

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