Johanna Schuh
  1. During these times of massive change and evolution,
  2. I persistently remain positive - after all, stubbornness must be good for something.
  3. Being fully human and enjoying this fascinating multiverse we live in.
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Space of Respect

There is so much that inspires me. Each individual adds its own unique perspective to the world - and I have the opportunity to be aware and to create my own perspectives. With deep respect, I thank all beings who enrich my world.

Manifesting a positive future on Terra
How do I want to live in the future? For months, I only had vague ideas about this in my head - until I came across the project Manifesting a positive reality on Terra. It is an invitation to share how you imagine a positive future on Terra, who you want to be, what you want to do. I used this invitation as an impetus to clarify for myself how I see the future of Terra and what I want to contribute to it. Diversity, balance and joy - these are the pillars on which my future rests. You can find out what my vision for the future looks like here. Thank you, Abigaëlle Richard, for your inspiration. ~ 2023-12-02


Galactic Astrology Soul Guidance
Sabrina Savoy took my soul origin as an opportunity to introduce the Fireworks Galaxy in a video. My personal interest in galactic topics led me to Galactic Astrology. Every person has their own individual way of finding themselves. For me, looking into the universe opens up completely new perspectives on my current existence. Many thanks to Sabrina Savoy for the amazing Galactic Astrology Soul Guidance Report, which gives me lasting inspiration for the exploration of my being. ~ 2023-12-02


Rencontres Galactiques
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this unforgettable event. For me, the Rencontres Galactiques in July 2023 touched me deeply. My heart and mind are absorbing the energies, and it will continue. In my opinion, these two days are proof that the new world already exists, it is not only in the future: love, respect, everyone can be who he is. Diversity forms a unity, natural, unique, luminous. No need to compete, to convince, to pretend. Instead of hierarchy, harmony sets in naturally, because each being knows its place and is ready to assume its responsibilities. In my daily life, I often wonder how I would like to live in a world "Star Trek future". (Besides, for me, the question is not if, but how.) Answers emerge within me and I try to live them as best I can. In these days of Rencontres Galactiques, I experienced the «Star Trek present». What a gift! ~ 2023-07-25


The fascinating research field of Exopolitics deals with the study of key individuals, political institutions and processes associated with extraterrestrial life. Information about extraterrestrial life and technology has been and continues to be kept secret from the public, so many people attribute it to the realm of fantasy. Yet there is ample evidence that extraterrestrial influences have been and still are active on our planet. Thank you, Dr. Michael Salla, for your tireless research work. ~ 2023-06-01


We are who we are
"We are" is a song that touches me deeply. We live, we have experiences, we change - "we're changing skins, but still we are who we are". We change on the surface and maybe on other levels, but we always are who we are. Thank you, Jan Loechel, for this amazing song. ~ 2023-04-24


No, I don't mean hierarchical servility. For me, respect is a beautiful word for appreciation at eye level. Perceiving the being of the other and letting it be. Knowing that we are different - otherwise we would not be able to inspire each other and inspire new perspectives. I like to broaden my perspectives. Countless impulses help me in this, impulses that I perceive from my outside world - people who have brought thoughts, ideas, music, humor, artwork, beauty and all kinds of surprising things into the world. I am learning more and more to pick up these impulses and use them in a wholesome way. Again and again I turn impulses in a direction that is beneficial for me. ~ 2023-04-24

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